Definitions taken from "Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary"
DATING- expressing the time of writing or of executing a paper or instrument; noting the time; noting the time of happening or originating.
COURTSHIP- The act of soliciting favor. the act of wooing love; solicitation of a woman to marriage
SOLICITATION- Earnest request; a seeking to obtain something from another with some degree of zeal and earnestness. (just in case you were confused about the meaning)
PURE- Free from moral defilement; without spot; not sullied or tarnished; incorrupt; genuine; real; true, unadulterated; free from guilt, innocent
PROTECTED- covered or defended from injury; preserved in safety
MODEST- properly restrained by a sense of propriety; not forward or bold; not presumptuous or arrogant; not boastful; not loose; not lewd
PARENT- A father or mother; he or she that produces young. The duties of parents to their children are to maintain, protect and educate them.
I do not know what is so wrong with PARENTS wanting to keep their children pure, protected, and modest. Todays society mocks parents and other adults for wanting to protect and shield children from bad influences, situations, and circumstances. We parents are accountable to each other and to the Lord for raising our children. We are not accountable to other family members, neighbors, friends ect.
My job as a parent is to nurture, protect, correct, encourage, educate, love, and diligently pray for each of my children. I also hold them accountable, expect them to be honest, share mistakes from my past in hopes it would help them, teach them diligence and how to stick to a job & complete it. I also pray for their future spouses and my future grandchildren. I would love for our 7 children to marry godly spouses, live Christian lives (regularly attend church, tithe, bring up their own children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord), and have a career they like & that supports their family. I would love my daughters/daughters in law to be able to stay home and "keep house", encourage & bless their husbands, and love & play with their babies.
Yes, I am old fashioned in my attitudes and not ashamed of it. If more parents were old fashioned and expected their offspring to behave, toe the line, get the job done, tell the truth, and be diligent, the world would be a better place. Too many kids run wild, wear immodest clothing, lie to get out of trouble, blame someone or something else for their shortcomings, and quit when the going gets tough, all because thats what everyone else is doing. They flit through life expecting someone else to take up their slack, they don't like consequences, or being held accountable. "Everyone else" (whoever that is) are stupid, have no self control, are spoiled and always want their own way & they want the folks around them to act just like they do.
Just because the year is 2010 doesn't mean the current way of life is better than 50, 100, 150, or more years ago. Way back then...children were busy with life, they helped support the family, they were working with Dad or Mom at age 11 or 12, they helped put food on the table and then clean it up afterwards. Families worshiped, worked, ate, played and loved. There weren't any "teenagers" leaving for many hours of the day to pursue their own interests and expecting their parents to be at their beck & call for money, rides, indulgences, etc.
I like the "way back then" way of life. It was simpler, quieter, less busy, and more productive.