Monday, January 7, 2013

Pinterest Article

Last week I read a blog article that was posted on Pinterest entitled "Are you a wife thats easy to love?"  I clicked on the link ( and read the article.  I thought it was very well written, thought out, researched, and backed by scripture.

The Lord did set up a plan for families, with each member more gifted in some areas than others. And different tasks for each member.   In Genesis, when the Lord created Eve from Adam, He said "I will make a helper fit for him". 

We are our husbands Helpers.  For each family, that could look very differently.  That is something for each family to decide on and seek the Lords guidance on. 

This article was written by a Christian woman to Christian women who desire to love their husbands as instructed in scripture.  There are many blessings in being obedient to the Lord.  And many blessings by having my husband fulfill his role of provider, protector, defender, leader, etc. 

I enjoy cleaning the house he works hard to provide for us,  I enjoy fixing his favorite foods, I enjoy the benefits of travel with his job (we get to go too), I enjoy his "nerdy" side in working on the budget ~ tracking his retirement days ~ lining up the puzzle pieces, I love when he prays for me ~ our family ~ our friends ~ situations, I enjoy his spiritual leadership for his family, I love knowing that he appreciates my efforts to keep our family moving and on track at home, I love his generosity, I love his "granting" my wishes & fulfilling my hopes, I love being on the straight & narrow path with my best friend~

We love to travel together, have adventures, raise our children, encourage each other, experience new things, laugh at tv shows (we just started watching Duck Dynasty last week ~ hysterical), work on home projects, try new recipes, learn together, etc.

 What has been laying heavy on my mind, has been the comments I read after her post.  Some agreed with her, and some didn't.  But ultimately, it isn't whether you agree or disagree with a person ~ but whether you agree or disagree with Gods word. His word is clear but both sides of the issue will try to use it to say what they mean.  If you are a Christian ~ just read what the Word says, pray about it, discuss it with your husband or if not married, your parents.  If you are not a Christian ~ then none of this will make sense and it will seem "weird".  But, your opinion is just that ~ your opinion.  Venomous words aren't going to change anyones mind.

Read, pray, think, decide, act.

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Welcome to the farm ~ we are a blended family with 7 children (3 are married), 4 grandsons, 5 dogs, 3 rabbits, and 15 chickens living on 3 acres in Georgia. I love crafting, sewing, cooking & canning, recipes of all kinds, reading, playing with my little buddies, family time, travel, pinterest and most of all the Lord.