Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Life Choices

I have come to the conclusion that no matter how well we raise our children, no matter how many times they are in church a week, no matter how much counseling we give them ~ they make their own decisions and they have to live with the consequences of those decisions....the good, the bad and the ugly. 

It is hard to let my children take the consequences and not step in and help them at all ~ tough love stinks.  It has resulted in many tears, countless sleepless nights, and churning guts.  Its hard of a mom.  I don't think this ever gets easier.

We have 3 children going through major, potentially life altering situations.  Amy's is a major baby is getting married.  And moving away ~ ok only 15 minutes but still for me this is major.  The closer the wedding gets, the more anxious I get ~ its all good, just different.  I have 2 other children going through situations we have no control over and we just have to sit, pray, and watch/listen.  These are the hard ones. 

We are encouraging where we can, praying always, worrying lots (especially me, its a mom thing), etc.  One is a situation we never thought we would walk through again....ever.  The other is one we never wanted to happen.

We can't protect our children forever.  All of them are adults.  They have to face up and be responsible and act like adults.  On the flip side ~ we are always the parent, we don't stop being the parent when they are grown.  We can still offer advice and guidance but not realistically expect them to obey.  The saying "been there, done that" can apply, but some have to learn the very hard way.

Oh well.

Today I chose to be thankful for ~

quiet mornings I can study the Bible, in depth
long periods of prayer (some in the awake hours of the middle of the night)
recalling good times
listening friends, family & our Pastor
crafting time in the afternoons
books to read and lose myself in


  1. Praying for you and your family as you go through "difficult" times. We know that He has promised to never leave us or forsake us, He is our ever-present hope.

    1. Thanks for sweet, encouraging comments! I truly appreciate you taking the time to leave them!


Welcome to the farm ~ we are a blended family with 7 children (3 are married), 4 grandsons, 5 dogs, 3 rabbits, and 15 chickens living on 3 acres in Georgia. I love crafting, sewing, cooking & canning, recipes of all kinds, reading, playing with my little buddies, family time, travel, pinterest and most of all the Lord.