Mom bought a nice house not far from me. The man selling the house was moving he left most of this furniture in the house. Supposedly to help the buyer move into a "ready to live in house". However, there is the issue of his cats ~ that explains most of the mess and smell. In fact, as we move more stuff out of the house, the stronger the smell is.
We have split some of the furniture up between the grandkids ~ Allen & Jennifer got the master bedroom suite and the washer & dryer (the mattress and box springs were tossed), Ben got the weight bench, Amy got the dining room table and chairs (her hope chest is now a hope barn), and Katie got a little dresser for the boys and an outdoor table & chairs. We hauled a bunch of stuff to the street in front of her house ~ a neighbor came and took most of it.....then we saw the neighbors garage ~ it appears she is a hoarder. We have set stuff on the road in front of our house and it has all been taken ~ 2 desks, a small tv, and 4 rugs. Greg got some speakers and the carpet installer asked for the rest. The rest of the stuff is getting donated to the thrift store. There was a bunch of lawn equipment and its getting split up too.
Now we have the new house cleaned out. My sister and niece are painting the walls a nice neutral color. New carpet is getting installed Wednesday (yay! no more cat smell!). Amy has scrubbed the bathrooms. Greg, Bryant, Will, and James installed 2 new toilets, and ceiling fans. The garage is now housing the guys old fridge...a spare for mom to use, helpful since her upright freezer quit earlier this summer. Yesterday, Greg moved the metal shelves from her basement and garage at the old house to use for storage for the doo dads we all have ~ planters, plant food, weed killer etc. They will also hold her large soup pot, turkey roaster, etc.
Sat., with wonderful help (Brenda, Doug, Amy, Will, James, Allen, Bobby, & Bethany) we moved stuff from moms house to our house~ I got her dining room furniture, Amy got my former bedroom furniture (went in the barn), and we moved over the single beds from upstairs to the barn. Bethany got Moms extra bedroom furniture and it was moved to their house. Hopefully, what is left at the old house will fit in the new....we will know this weekend!
2 1/2 weeks we leave for vacation! Yay, Hooray! I would say it was going to be restful, but you don't go to Disney and rest!
Thankful for ~
many helping hands
trailers and pick up trucks to haul furniture
a new dining room
saving for the future (a hope barn!)
making progress
quiet after the busyness of the weekend