Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Busy Days

We've had some really busy days lately ~

Sunday we drove home from GA and had a lovely time, listening to good teaching and just being together.  Before we left Atlanta, we made a stop by Restaurant Depot and loaded up on good things to can for our pantry provisions.

Monday, I cut up and canned 18 quarts of chicken & 3 quarts of chicken stock.  Those jars of chicken will be a great start to our chicken enchilada meals & greatly cut down on the time needed in the kitchen to fix dinners.

Tuesday, Amy peeled 25 pounds of carrots & I started cutting up and canning them.  I've got 14 quarts and 7 pints canned. I didn't get it all done yesterday, so I finished up today. We loved the carrots with our roast or just as a side vegetable with a meal.  In the afternoon, we were able to go up to the church and help sort items for the annual garage sale benefitting out Haiti mission team.  I found Greg a couple of shirts, me a shirt, Amy a few things & some baby stuff for my grandsons!  Plus its fun to help and fellowship in the process. 

Today, we are helping a friend pack up her shop in preparation of moving.  It will be a mutually beneficial agreement since she needs help and we can work for items in her store!  Bartering is a good thing!  No money exchanging hands! 

Our menus for the week have been easy so far ~

Sunday ~ leftover grilled hotdogs (we ate a huge lunch at Cracker Barrel on the way home)
Monday ~ Homemade pizzas
Tuesday ~ Fried Ham Slices, baked sweet potatoes & peas
Wed.~ chicken enchiladas
Thursday ~ Grilled Hamburgers & mashed cauliflower
Friday ~ maybe dinner at the Sams Club Deli (we have to buy stuff for Gregs food stand at the yard sale on Sat.)
Saturday ~ Taco Salads


  1. I so wish I could follow a menu. Either something happens or I decide I don't want that for dinner. Lets face it I have no will power to stay on task.

    1. Hi Michelle! Our menu is a guideline for me ~ just to know what to have on hand from the grocery store. It doesn't get followed all the time ~ life happens! And sometimes, I just don't want to cook what I planned!


Welcome to the farm ~ we are a blended family with 7 children (3 are married), 4 grandsons, 5 dogs, 3 rabbits, and 15 chickens living on 3 acres in Georgia. I love crafting, sewing, cooking & canning, recipes of all kinds, reading, playing with my little buddies, family time, travel, pinterest and most of all the Lord.