150. Spending Fathers Day with the Daddy of my children
151. finding a D.A.D.D. t-shirt for my husband (Dads Against Daughters Dating)
152. Steaks on the Meat Managers Special at the grocery store
153. a 16 year old son who loves to spend time with Dad
154. Amy's chocolate pie with whipped cream
155. Katie "devouring" books
156. a finished quilt top
157. shopping for fabric
158. the promise through a shot, antibiotics, & allergy pills of poison ivy clearing up (Please Lord)
159. a dr. who made a house call this weekend
160. choosing curriculum for next school year
161. Sun Crystals in my sweet tea
162. a pile of fabric slowly becoming Christmas gifts
163. book sales that yeild treasures for homeschooling
164. a clean sewing table (this doesn't happen often!)
165. helping the Haiti team get ready for their trip
166. hearts with a commitment for Missions
167. our marriage bible study
168. seeing my youngest children grow and mature as Christians
169. my 17 year old daughters willingness to jump in and help in the kitchen when needed
170. being the oldest parents with the oldest kids at "Toy Story 3" on Friday
151. finding a D.A.D.D. t-shirt for my husband (Dads Against Daughters Dating)
152. Steaks on the Meat Managers Special at the grocery store
153. a 16 year old son who loves to spend time with Dad
154. Amy's chocolate pie with whipped cream
155. Katie "devouring" books
156. a finished quilt top
157. shopping for fabric
158. the promise through a shot, antibiotics, & allergy pills of poison ivy clearing up (Please Lord)
159. a dr. who made a house call this weekend
160. choosing curriculum for next school year
161. Sun Crystals in my sweet tea
162. a pile of fabric slowly becoming Christmas gifts
163. book sales that yeild treasures for homeschooling
164. a clean sewing table (this doesn't happen often!)
165. helping the Haiti team get ready for their trip
166. hearts with a commitment for Missions
167. our marriage bible study
168. seeing my youngest children grow and mature as Christians
169. my 17 year old daughters willingness to jump in and help in the kitchen when needed
170. being the oldest parents with the oldest kids at "Toy Story 3" on Friday
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Welcome to the farm ~ we are a blended family with 7 children (3 are married), 4 grandsons, 5 dogs, 3 rabbits, and 15 chickens living on 3 acres in Georgia. I love crafting, sewing, cooking & canning, recipes of all kinds, reading, playing with my little buddies, family time, travel, pinterest and most of all the Lord.