So, how do you get poison ivy when its been a week since you worked out in the yard? I know the Lord has a sense of humor, but did I have to get this again? 3 weeks of my summer were spent with steriods x3, antibiotics x2, and allergy pills. Maybe if I ignore it, it'll to away. Or maybe I should order a bubble suit to wear outside. Actually, its just a small spot on my arm, if it decides to grow...I will be at the dr.s.
On July 24th, I blogged about our doggie fiasco. Well, it appears that Hershey is gonna be a Mommy. Yep, I think grand puppies are on the way...maybe around my birthday next month. Her belly is no longer skinny and she is always looking for food...sounds like pregnancy to me. We plan on selling the puppies but Amy may have heart failure when it actually happens. Amy is my animal expert and loves all of them.
A couple of weeks ago, I heard about a program called BookSneeze by Thomas Nelson Publishers. You can sign up for this program if you have a blog. After you sign up, they approve your blob/account and you can pick a book you want to read and review for them. There are lots of different categories. The first book I picked was "Out Live Your Life, you were made to make a difference" by Max Lucado. I received the book today and will start reading tonight. If you like to read like me and have a blog, you may want to check out this program. The website is The book I chose is the newest by Max Lucado and is on the cover of all the book catalogs I have received recently. I'm excited to read the book and start the review process. And, free books are a wonderful blessing!
Our history/science co-op with Marie and Izzy is going great. This was our 4th week to meet together. We are all learning different things and the kids enjoy meeting together. And in all honesty, I get to chat with my friend too! The kids did a nature walk in our backyard today to find blooming flowers to sketch for their notebooks. They had okra, cucumbers, roses, tomatoes, gardenias, and lantana to chose from. The sketches turned out good and they will be a great addition to their science notebooks. Another fun project they have worked on is Bible verses for Creation. Our books have little folders and notebooks for verses that pertain to the unit we are working on. For history, we studied Christopher Columbus and his voyages. After reviewing all the lessons, the kids colored maps, and made the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. They all knew most of the answers to the History review which is a great way to "test" their knowledge. We've got some good textbooks we are using as the basis for our studies, but are scouring the internet to come up with projects to do. They learn and retain the knowledge, with more hands on activities and projects. Next week will end our Botany section of the Biology book and next is the human body. We will continue to study about different explorers in History, but the kids are ready for Pocahontas and John Smith.
Time to start reading. Hope everyone had a great Monday!